Friction blisters: A very common, yet often very debilitating skin injury; everything you need to know and how we can help.
Whether you are a competitive long-distance runner, a casual hiker, military personnel, a nurse, a professional gardener, generally on your feet all day or just found yourself wearing ill-fitting shoes, you probably have already suffered the painful experience of a blister on your feet.
Here is what you need to know on these common skin injuries.
What is a blister?
Simply put, a blister is a pocket of fluid between the upper layers of skin. Blisters are commonly caused by friction. The blister bubble raises from the uppermost layer of skin with the aim of protecting and providing cushioning to the layers below, buying time for the tissue to heal. Depending on what causes them, blisters are filled with blood, serum plasma, or pus.
Friction blisters:
This is the most common and basic form of blisters. They are typically caused by irritation from continuous rubbing or pressure. Friction blisters usually occur on the feet, for example if your footwear doesn’t fit quite right and irritates the delicate skin of toes and heels for prolonged periods of time. Likewise, if you are using tools such as a rake or a shovel with no gloves on, the handle that keeps rubbing against your hand might cause a blister.
How do Friction blisters form?
They are mechanical injuries, i.e. they occur due to excessive shear force between the surface of the skin and the rest of the body. The layer of the skin most susceptible to shear forces is a layer called stratum spinosum. As this layer tears away from the tissues below, a plasma-like fluid leaks from the cells and begins to fill the gap that is created between those two layers (stage 3). This fluid encourages new growth and regeneration. If you are not careful, the roof will tear and plasma will leak out of the blister (stage 4). Eventually, the blister will be completely deroofed (stage 5). In the last 2 stages, you’ll be more at risk of infection.
What happens next?
At 24 hours, new skin layers, under the surface are in a steady formation process. After 2 days, a new layer of skin is already visible, and after 5 days, a new upper layer of skin is clearly seen.
During this healing process, the fluid present in the blister is reabsorbed by the underlying tissue and swelling subsides.
Painful blisters on the palm of the hands or soles of the feet are often caused by tissue shearing in deeper layers of the skin. These layers lie next to nerve endings, thereby producing more pain.
Are they easy to diagnose?
You can diagnose a blister by simply examining it. If you see a raised bubble that feels spongy and generally painful to the touch, and if it is in a place that could have been recently irritated by pressure or rubbing, it is most likely a blister.

How to treat foot blisters?
As described above, in most cases your blister will heal on its own in a matter of a few days. A new layer of skin will form beneath the blister and the top skin layer (roof) will peel away. You don’t have to pop a blister for it to heal. A blister is the skin’s way to protect itself from pain and infection. Compeed®’s hydrocolloidal protective layer maintains an optimal moisture level to help the blister heal. If you want to learn more about friction blister treatment, read here.
In some cases you may need to contact a doctor.
Don’t be careless
If you don’t take enough care and keep the pressure or friction in the same area, you can delay the healing up to several weeks. Continued friction may rub away the delicate roof, and the blister may break open, ooze fluid and run the risk of becoming infected or developing into a deeper wound. If the irritation is mild, the blister may heal despite continued irritation, and eventually a callus will form.

Do you have to contact a doctor?
Although blisters can be a painful annoyance and make your life miserable, in most cases they won’t lead to medical issues. However, these are reasons why you should seek your healthcare provider’s help:
- the blister looks infected, it is draining pus, or the area around the blister is red, swollen, warm, or very painful;
- You have a fever;
- You have several blisters, especially if you cannot figure out what is causing them;
- You have health problems such as circulation problems or diabetes.
How to prevent friction blisters?
The key is to eliminate the source of the friction. You can achieve that in several ways:
On the feet: wear well-fitted (not too tight nor too loose), comfortable footwear and clean (and dry) socks. If your shoes fit badly or are too stiff (high heels for example), your feet are more at risk of blistering. Moist skin tends to blister more easily, so socks that manage moisture or frequent sock changes can be helpful. If you are prone to excessive sweating, the use of talcum powder might also help. If you are exercising or practising sport, wear specially designed sports socks that will help reduce foot sweat or friction. In addition, hiking or walking boots need to be adequately broken in before embarking on a long trek.
Applying preventive solutions such as tape, padding or moleskin to trouble spots (based on personal experience) can help prevent blisters from appearing. You can also use friction-management patches which are applied to the inside of shoes. These will remain in place longer, throughout many changes of socks or insoles.
On the hands: Depending on what is your favourite activity, you are more or less at risk of developing hand blisters. If you are using tools or carrying out manual work, wearing gloves should prevent the majority of blisters. The same goes if you are playing a sport where you are holding a bat, racket, club etc. For some other sports such as gymnastics, weightlifting or rowing, applying tape on the hand is an effective way to prevent blister occurrence. Additionally, the use of talcum powder in order to reduce friction could prove beneficiary in combination with gloves or as a stand-alone option. Keep in mind, however, that talcum powder also absorbs moisture and as such is not a good option for prolonged activities.

How COMPEED® products could help?
The range of COMPEED® Blister plasters offer a wide variety of specialist solutions to help prevent blister development or speed up the healing process of a range of sizes and shapes of blisters. They contain an active hydrocolloid gel technology that, in addition to providing cushioning, will give you instant pain relief and create a protective environment for the blister to heal. In clinical studies, COMPEED® blister plasters have been demonstrated to provide instant pain relief and extra cushioning. They have also been shown to heal 20% faster than regular plasters.
In addition to plasters, the COMPEED® blister line of product also includes an anti-blister stick that has been specifically developed to reduce friction on the sensitive spots and thus helps to prevent blister formation.